By Anonymous - 08/12/2009 22:02 - United States

Today, I used the bathroom that the high school shares with elementary kids. As I was pulling my pants down, my phone fell out of my pocket into the other stall. As I was reaching for it, the little girl in the other stall took it and ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 508
You deserved it 4 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you go into a bathroom with elementary school kids? And, more importantly, did you catch her and mortally wound her? :)

keywestlov 0

aww thats depressing! i would've punched the little bundle of joy


Why would you go into a bathroom with elementary school kids? And, more importantly, did you catch her and mortally wound her? :)

did you not read? it says the bathroom her high school shares with the elementary school.

piepieburger 0

i woulda ran out grabbed the little girls leg and dragged her back then if she screamed thump her with the phone and tell her not to steal things ;p

keywestlov 0

aww thats depressing! i would've punched the little bundle of joy

notsoordinary 0

heh heh i would have drowned her in the toilet!

I hope someone who advocates the theft of someones phone by denying punishent never has little bastard offspring, such as yourself, and your hopefully not, now or ever existant children. Should have taken her phone and used to sodomise the little ****. Rome did alot right, like cuting of a thieves hand.

Existent, and You should* Damn anger getting me into trouble with the grammer rozzers.

The Romans cut off 1 finger for every time you steal and your hand for the 4th time.

Flutist 3

The Romans then used the fingers to sodomize the thieves. Geez where did you learn history. You MISSED the best parts. The body part =) I would have smacked the little shit.

In_your_face 0

ask her if she knows what a swirlie is!

albert17 0
sdcrazy1018 0

I've never heard of a high school having a bunch of elementary kids come and use the restroom regularly

For your information, there are schools that teach kindergarten to grade 12. Maybe it's time to wake up buddy (:

I went to a k-12 for a part of highschool,. I never saw little kids in the highschool wings of the school.

cxal_fml 0

Elementary schools can go up to 8th grade. Some high schoolers would consider an 8th grader a little kid

KrystleLynn 0
sdcrazy1018 0

Thanks for POLITELY stating it, unlike some people

SEXY_SEN10R_2010 0

LOL I'm loving the violent reactions. People need to get a sense of humor =P.