By Anonymous - 08/12/2009 22:02 - United States

Today, I used the bathroom that the high school shares with elementary kids. As I was pulling my pants down, my phone fell out of my pocket into the other stall. As I was reaching for it, the little girl in the other stall took it and ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 502
You deserved it 4 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you go into a bathroom with elementary school kids? And, more importantly, did you catch her and mortally wound her? :)

keywestlov 0

aww thats depressing! i would've punched the little bundle of joy


go_fuck_yourself 0

WOW that sucks balls #27 tht is so inappropriate

She probably went to tattle tale.. my phone fell out of my locker and a 2nd grader told the closest teacher that I was using my phone but since it was my grade 8 teacher (we're kinda tight) she gave it back to me I'm in a K to 8 school btw

beaten_rhianna 0

k id do the same,and buy as many ringtones as I possibly can . . . .

Call her up and tell her you are going to murder her mommy unless she takes the phone to the School Office.

You shouldn't just 'deal with it', but also you shouldn't punch, drown, or sodomize the child (all mentioned in previous comments). You should calmy report your situation to the principal and hope you get your phone back. If you do not get your phone back, however, you can do as you please to the little brat.

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

umm aren't the toilets for elementary kids smaller/closer to the ground while ones for high school are the standard size ... why would they share that just seems inappropriate

Do you know any family with children who has special toilets that they replace with taller ones as their children age (besides a potty chair)? Didn't think so. Children are perfectly capable of using a standard toilet at school, same as they do at home.

Kids these days are so sad. So young and already stealing.

ohhh that little rascal. At least you didnt run out after her with your pants still down. THAT would have been funny lol still FYL