By lonelyman - 20/11/2009 07:29 - United States

Today, I used text-to-speech just so that I can hear "I love you" for once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 207
You deserved it 7 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I promise you...someone loves you very much....most likely a lot more than someONE!!!!!!!!!!!


CyclonePsycho 1

Wow. Your life really sucks. Er, *sniffle* I love you.

I decided to make an account for myself so that I could send you a comment. This is a beautiful response--all these statements of sadness and support, and love; I wish you had more than a FML comment box to tell us your story. I think you should make a T-shirt that says "I'm the guy who posted about 'I love you'. FML.", and I'll bet you-I'll bet you my paycheck for the next month-that someone will see you and know the post and say to you, "I don't know you, and I don't need to-I LOVE you", and mean it. In the meantime, I am sending you love~

I love you, wirter of this FML. You amaze me in soo many ways, dear. Betttteerrrrr? :)

sgaske 3

another one of those attention seeking idiots making shit up on fml. cool. I know when I'm depressed and lonely, my first instinct is to post it on fml. good call, lonelyman, good call.

awwwwww thats really sad, call your mum and tell her you love her before you put the phone down and she'll say it back! If this makes it better though, I love you! :D x

If it's so awesome what the heck are you still doing walking around?

Should at least take the phone out to dinner before you make her say things like that!!

deliciouslythat 0