Very helpful, dude

By anon - 14/06/2021 08:01

Today, I sent my husband out for baby formula and cocoa butter to soothe my boobs from breastfeeding. He came back with powdered milk and deep heat rub. AND he still wanted praise for at least having tried to get what I asked for. I would kill him, but I need his wages while I'm on maternity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 008
You deserved it 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Yeah noooo. Those things are vastly different. Did he go back out for the correct items?? Congrats on your baby!

next time remind him to use his phone if he's unsure what to get. duh. if be pissed to. I always use my phone if I'm unsure because they are out of something.


ojoRojo 27

Yeah noooo. Those things are vastly different. Did he go back out for the correct items?? Congrats on your baby!

That kind of man still exist? No kidding?

Well, if he has life insurance, you could still hope for him to have an untimely "accident".

next time remind him to use his phone if he's unsure what to get. duh. if be pissed to. I always use my phone if I'm unsure because they are out of something.

Give him a written list next time. Make sure he can read it - Or send him a text or email so he will have that with him at the store.

let's remember he's not a child and she's busy taking care of one. he can text her or call her to double check. yes a list would be nice but let's not put this on her it's 100% his fault