By lonelyman - 20/11/2009 07:29 - United States

Today, I used text-to-speech just so that I can hear "I love you" for once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 207
You deserved it 7 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I promise you...someone loves you very much....most likely a lot more than someONE!!!!!!!!!!!


MasterChief7494 3

I thought my life sucked o.O The OP turned out to be much worse .. whoa.

"To the world, you might just be one person, but to another person, you might just be the world." ~ Anonymous

Put The gun down or take the rope off your neck. You must only do one at a time be use doing both is impossible. Now choose!

Swimmers_nation 4

Good idea maybe I should do that :/

Every one loves everyone???? don't Worrie I love you????

I could only imagine the douches that said "you deserved it".

rockcaar3 7

Hey retard mac specs are made by apple obviously pc wouldn't have those shitty specs