By lonelyman - 20/11/2009 07:29 - United States

Today, I used text-to-speech just so that I can hear "I love you" for once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 207
You deserved it 7 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I promise you...someone loves you very much....most likely a lot more than someONE!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry but that is like --- woahhhhh depressing! i mean christ i dnt even know u but i love you if it means that much! wow - im just in shock like woahhhhh

Kasper969 0

I know just how you feel... :(

popatia 0

@ 41 I hate the fact that people like you assume things about other peoples lives and don't see that maybe just maybe the person who owns the computer wanted a more reliable laptop and maybe just maybe their MacBook was gift! So STFU and stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!

i added a comment before, but i have more to say. this FML moved me so much i almost started crying. for about a year i just come on this website to read the stories, but today i finally made myself an account just to tell you that i love you. i dont care if this is the only FML i ever comment or read again, i know i chose the right one to comment. someday i might meet you, and when i do, ill love you forever. -

coming from the person whose screenname is pinkphonepinkphone.

holy crap... if that's sarcasm AWESOME use of the toy! If not... you need some serious help... There's no such thing as love anyways!

there was a guy who said to attempt suicide. dont. its a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

for the 2781 people that pressed 'you deserved it' . i think you should all get some feelings . although , on the other hand , this guy could be like a serial rapist . =/

Thanks for the tip, OP. I've been recording myself saying 'I love you' onto my computer then speeding up the audio so it sounds like a woman's voice... much more work.

Ohh :'( (hugs). Yes, I love you too. Take care of yourself.

I am so sorry that your life is so sad. *Hugs* Please buck up, you will find someone. It may just be that the person you're looking for is looking for you as well and just doesn't know it.