By lonelyman - 20/11/2009 07:29 - United States

Today, I used text-to-speech just so that I can hear "I love you" for once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 207
You deserved it 7 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I promise you...someone loves you very much....most likely a lot more than someONE!!!!!!!!!!!


youarewonderful 0

This isn't an FML at all. Lame.

kitty_karloso 0

Dude, just go get a hooker. They'll say "I love you"...and by that I mean sex....but they don't actually love you...just so you know.

endrawnia 0

awwww ill tell you i love you. I love you ^^

That's so emo I feel like cutting myself now...

Karnezar 2

How come this crap makes it through moderation, but mine doesn't. . .

oh get a life. yours is probably about something stupid that no one cares about. this is bad.

helpmeiamblind 0

I Love you lonelyman; I love you. (Unless you use a MAC, then there's a reason your so lonely)

SexyBitch919 0

89 ur an ass! but u don't need a computer voice to hear I love you you don't even need love it puts you in s whole lot of trouble