By Michelle - 04/08/2009 17:31 - United States

Today, I turned on my boyfriend's computer and saw pictures of all of my credit cards, front and back, and several of my parent's credit cards. I looked in his e-mail and found receipts for items which had been billed to me and delivered to him, including golf clubs and my birthday gift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 054
You deserved it 6 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do people not keep track of their bank and credit card records anymore?

niemann2006 0

call him out on it, although, how did he even get your credit cards long enough for him to scan them as well as your parents without you noticing?


doubleAbattery 0

I hate to break it to you, honey, but your boyfriend's a crook. I would recommend suing his sorry ass for every penny of yours he spent. I would also recommend being more careful with your money and keeping a closer eye on your bank account.

if u gave him ur cards and ur parents then u deserved that

How do people not notice that they're paying for random items they never use/see? You need to be MUCH more financially responsible. Or you could just continue to let him charge your card since you're apparently swimming in the money to pay it off. ... you're probably not even paying it off and just doing minimum each month aren't you? RWAREWFWEFAWEW Ok, I'm calm ._.

Wow, seriously do you not check your credit card bill every month?

kellster 2

Um, please report this to the police!!!! And cancel ALL of those credit cards! Holy SHIT.

WTF? What a thief! Who does he think he is? Brad Pitt in Ocean's eleven? FYL OP, and call the cops.

stupiidx3 0

print everything out or take pictures of it and charge him !

shaquanda 0

do you and your parents not check your credit card statements???? YDI for not paying more attention. and yeah, you should probably dump him and press charges. like yesterday.

That stinks. Atleast he only bought golf clubs??? Fyl

My first reaction was to say: DUMP HIM NOW. My second reaction was wondering how on earth you never noticed all these charges. Are you just that much in debt, or do you just never check your account? In that case, YDI kinda.

If she'd received statements already covering that period, she'd have checked her statements after finding out the credit card pics. She looked for purchase receipts in his e-mail instead, probably because the fraud/theft is so recent that it's not yet on the statements. Statements are not an instant thing, they only come once a moth. (By that time next month, the con-artist is gone already, off to a new target.)