By kronic1990 - 14/01/2015 15:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I tripped over a "wet floor" sign at work and hit the floor hard. The floor wasn't even wet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 201
You deserved it 4 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey not your fault, that sign needed to be taught a lesson anyways. Brush it off and pretend like it never happened. We all have moments, best to just move on from them and not let them wreck your day.

I understand how that happens completely. I am hopelessly clumsy!


That sucks OP but how could you miss a big yellow sign?

It isn't really big. I'm short and sometimes I don't see it when I walk so I end up hitting it.

#22, you're not even OP and you would have to be tall to miss it not short

martin8337 35

Watch where you are going. YDI for walking around all clueless.

And you deserve a down vote for being a prick.

I understand how that happens completely. I am hopelessly clumsy!

Hey not your fault, that sign needed to be taught a lesson anyways. Brush it off and pretend like it never happened. We all have moments, best to just move on from them and not let them wreck your day.

They really need to make a caution sign for the other signs. No worries op, lots of people Have tripped or ran into those damned signs.

But what if people trip on the caution signs for caution signs? Do they put up cautions signs for caution signs for wet floors? After that, do they put caution signs for caution- I'll stop now.

This is the generation we live in. People are so stupid now, that we really need caution signs for caution signs.

Accidents happen, the problem is some dumb douche will sue because the sign wasn't bright enough and the cement was too hard , and win 20 million... It's a sad thing.

Le_ponderer 14

I laughed way too hard at this. Maybe because I was visualising Mr Bean...

Why would they even have the wet floor sign out if the floor wasn't wet?

I would say that the floor was wet at some point recently and has since dried but someone forgot to check and remove the sign.