By turnoff - 17/09/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I tried to wake my husband up in the middle of the night by kissing him deeply and massaging his neck and shoulders. He opens his eyes, looks at me, says "No", and goes back to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 358
You deserved it 15 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. I'd be pissed if someone woke me in the middle of the night unless the house was burning down or something.

Candisemo 0

i would want my sleep too, but thats no reason to call this girl fat or ugly. you have no idea what she looks like so dont judge her. being mean on the internet is really not anything to be proud of.


Been there done that :) Know how you feel!

YDI. I'd be pissed if someone woke me in the middle of the night unless the house was burning down or something.

youaresofucked 0

So? He was tired. That is NOT an FML.

Tweety122888 0

you can't just ignore someone like that. it was funny but that hurts.

coldplaylive2003 0

nobody likes waking up in the middle of the night.YDI

lobby0ne 0

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invisiblerabbit 0

and when your his and slips in his **** into your mouth when you are sleeping you like that? ydi for being a hypocritical bitch.

sometimes a good sleep is better than a midnight quickie.

catiredan 0

Dock move, worse because you think you are the victim.

Dynoblaze 1

YDI. Silly woman. His sleep is more important than a quickie with an average chick like you. Unless he's fully awake he can't imagine he's banging Carmen Electra. Seriously though, sleep is more important than quickies. I don't blame him.

Tweety122888 0

ew you're such a pervert WTF she's the wife n she wants to have sex. there's nothin wrong with trying to wake ur husband up for sex

Chocolate_Chunk 2

there's everything wrong with it. I bet if the hubby waked the girl, you'd be all like "what an asshole"

Tmania_fml 1

Wtf is wrong with you? you don't even know her, so how can you say that she is ugly. He's probably just tired.