By Wheresthebeefz - 01/02/2011 02:46 - United States

Today, I tried to save a dying bird I found on the sidewalk. I got a parking ticket for $114 in front of the animal hospital. I later found out the bird died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 952
You deserved it 7 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had the right idea, but you didn't know how close to death the bird was. it's great that you tried. I would try to go to traffic court and get the judge to throw out the ticket because you were trying to save a birds life.

Aww, OP, that was very decent of you! I'm glad there are people like you who care enough to help a small bird instead of walking/driving over it. It sucks that you got a ticket and that the bird died, so FYL, but atleast you have a good heart ^^


hundreds of birds die every day. YDI. let nature do its thing.

MoldinRooster 0

Hundreds of birds die each minute more like it.

also, just because you are doing a "good deed" doesn't mean you can park in the handicap zone, or park like an idiot.

#6 i don't know the exact number, so i decided to be conservative. either way the number is irrelevant to my point.

MoldinRooster 0
ArmedcrackerR6 8

it's a f***ing bird!!! smash it's head in and call it a day. It would have saved you $114.

HansHansen 8

Seems like Americans don't even like animals. Just another reason why the world dislikes the American population.

maz255 10

65 yea but more and more people keep coming here anyway plus don't blame the u.s blame that douche's parents...

65 um the op is american and they obviously care about animals enough to take time out of their day to take an injured bird to an animal yeah don't go stereotyping people.

umm, death is a natural thing. if the bird is dying, let it die. this world is getting more and more f***ed up the more humans get in the way of mother nature. let the bird die.

Instead of wasting time trying to save it, you should have been thinking, "Flour and fry it, or BBQ it?"

Not at all. American Caucasian Male. But, I don't have problems with killin' it and grillin' it.

So, you're just plain disgusting and stupid. Wild birds in cities like NY usually carry many diseases.

18, look who's talking, after saying "are you Vietnamese?"... mitchn60 stills comes out looking better than you.

oh no! someone on the Internet thinks badly of me because i made a lame joke!

you didn't make a joke, you made a silly comment

either way, it was lame, though it was intentionally so.

its ok lolbrick, let it out, i know its hard trying to please everbody...maybe take a few tips from your mom?

my mom is a crack *****. but i got some good advice from your mom, she said "its never to late to get an abortion"

apparently it can be too late, as i am alive! im a rebel!

you might wanna look into Photoshop before plastering pics of yourself all over the Internet.

Way to be a dick, lolbrick. You don't even have a pic.

maz255 10

ahhh damn it what did lolbrick say? damn people who black comments......

MrLaryRottweila 1

What did you do to try and save it, give it mouth to mouth? Smh ydi

You had the right idea, but you didn't know how close to death the bird was. it's great that you tried. I would try to go to traffic court and get the judge to throw out the ticket because you were trying to save a birds life.

Seriously, how is that an excuse for parking like an idiot??

dancingdoggy 4

I know no judge will relieve that ticket... But it's kind of sad that a judge might relieve a ticket if the hurt creature had been human. I can't wait for humans to no longer be speciesist. (Like how we used to be racist, or sexist, etc..) All creatures should get an equal consideration of interests.

Pull out some religious freedom speech about how Budhists consider all life precious.

Aww, OP, that was very decent of you! I'm glad there are people like you who care enough to help a small bird instead of walking/driving over it. It sucks that you got a ticket and that the bird died, so FYL, but atleast you have a good heart ^^

how is that an excuse for parking like an idiot though?

#22 , maybe the OP was so worried about the poor bird that they forgot to check if it was OK to leave their car in front of the hospital. And some parking lots are really so idiotic that it's hard to understand where and how you're supposed to park your car or if you have to pay for it.

so, its okay to ignore the rules if you're "overly worried"?

#29 Is that what I said? I don't even know how to reply to your comment.

#40 And I LOL at yours, so we're even ;) in #29 your argument was so random. I didn't say it's OK to ignore the rules when you're worried. It's not like the OP caused a car crash and killed dozens of people, he just got a ticket and he's the one who's going to pay for it.

LOL your comments are quite stupid. keep it up.

Acousticpixie14 6

lolbrick makes sense to me. Sure, he didn't kill anybody, but there are reasons for not being allowed to park in certain places. An emergency vehicle could have needed that spot and would have been SOL. Being worried is no excuse to park like an idiot.

Honestly, who takes a bird to the shelter, unless it's a endangered specie...