By sly - 04/01/2009 03:55 - France

Today, I tried to cuddle Simon, my five year-old son. He wriggled away and said, "If you need a teddy bear, go buy one! Or get another Simon!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 152
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hhaha that's ******* adorable "find another simon"

HOLLAcaust 0

That's adorable lol "Go find another Simon!"


macfluffers 0

It's his fault for being so cute.

Don't fret too much over it. It's normal to start to pull away from mom at that age, a little bit.

HOLLAcaust 0

That's adorable lol "Go find another Simon!"

That would make me go :3. You're a weird parent.

manoverboard 0

xDD I love that name, too. Adorableee.

Root123 0

FYL? I think it's adorable!

That's so funny hahaha. Another Simon. lol. Not ****** at all.

AWWWWWWWWWWW! lololol!!! What a cute son!

Or is it laugh out laugh out laugh out laugh out loud?