By ksgirl - 12/09/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, the guy I have been in love with for years decided to tell me all about his women problems and how he can't find someone. After telling him I loved him he responds, "do you know if anyone else does?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 210
You deserved it 4 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Love is not the same as infatuation *sigh* I'm bored with these FMLs about people being "in love" with people they're not even dating.

Thank you! I totally agree. It's just so childish to think you're "In love" with someone when there isn't that close bond of being in a relationship. Just cuz he's hot and is nice to you doesn't mean he's Prince charming.


Love is not the same as infatuation *sigh* I'm bored with these FMLs about people being "in love" with people they're not even dating.

Thank you! I totally agree. It's just so childish to think you're "In love" with someone when there isn't that close bond of being in a relationship. Just cuz he's hot and is nice to you doesn't mean he's Prince charming.

Proudmary 2

Love come in different ways to different people. While most of the times the so-called love is mere infatuation or a passing crush, quite a few people can develop strong feelings for people they are not dating. E.g. for very good friends(which you get to know very well and get very close to, etc). And, quite similar to this, even though you date someone for years, you can be just used to that person or what-not rather than actually be in love. It works both ways. Come on man, have some romance.

Developing strong feelings for people you're not dating is a little too stalker-ish for my cynical tastes *shudder*

RubixMonkey 0

This sounds like Love Actually, but without the actual love. I agree. I have been "in love" several times. While I have claimed I would never love another, when I finally stopped obsessing about who I thought the person was and actually went away and "found myself" I realized it wasn't love. I think OP needs to stop being a dork and actually get off her ass and find someone who loves her back.

rihannalover 0

seriously, i hate these arguments. i know it doesn't help to get myself involved, but i would like to voice my opinion while being civilized at the same time. however, i still welcome anybody to write a reply to this if they want. love is a feeling that everyone experiences. loving your friends and family is something that most everybody has experienced. being "in love", though, is a different feeling. some people really and truly are in love with someone, and they want to be with them forever. even if the person they love doesn't feel the same way, it doesn't mean they aren't really in love. maybe the person that they love though, no matter how much they want them to be, aren't really the one. but maybe they are, and haven't realized it yet. what about love at first sight? i believe in it. just because i haven't experienced it doesn't mean it isn't real.

RubixMonkey 0

Love at first sight for me just seems to be recognizing the person as attractive and having a compatible personality. Love takes time to strengthen. I have had friends where I just clicked with them. But the truth is that OP might be "in love" or she might be "in lust." It does not matter because telling her she is not in love won't do anything (says my boyfriend) because some girls/guys just need to get their hearts broken before they move on. The fact that the guy said "know anyone else who does" implies two things: 1) sorry OP it is never going to happen. 2) He does not believe you are in love. He just wants sex.

moonlight_daze 8

I'm sorry but what? Where do you get that he just wants sex out of this? Way to judge someone you don't even know based on nothing at all. And btw, although some guys may only be interested in sex FROM GIRLS, no guy "just wants sex" in life. For instance, I'm tired of being broke as **** way more than I'm tired of jerkin' it. I want a better job way more than I want sex.

You don't know their situation #1 what if they had a thing for each other before and she hasn't gotten over it...

M13LO 0

you should have told him "no, there is no one else who would wen look at you.. I'm your only and last choice" hey it might of worked..

avalonbluemoon 0
KnotSlipKnoTSiC 0

YDI for being a woman. Next time, get born properly.