By Ella - 24/07/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 460
You deserved it 28 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step 1.) Kick him in the balls. Step 2.) Repeat as necessary until desired results are shown. lul.


I guess your bf showed you who is boss. You should just leave him, keep a weapon on you just in case he tries to approach you.

flyboy57 0

"he said no." this is hilarious!

He can't refuse your breakup. That's ridiculous. Just leave never talking to him ever again and hope he gets it.

brrrx 0

So what? "I think we should break up." "...No." "...Well, we're breaking up anyway." End of story. (But if that's not the end of the story, enough paranoid women on this site have already told you to persue legal action without knowing any deails.) Not even an FML.

Dixie_Normous 0

Well then I guess you're gonna be cheating on him..

kthxdie 0

This kind of happened to me once. I broke up with my long distance boyfriend while I was at his house for the weekend, and I ended up doing it at like, 3 in the morning because I was so fed up with him. I ended up spending the night at his house because I was too exhausted to drive the two hours home, and too poor to rent a hotel room for the night. He spent the entire time, first trying to talk me out of it, and then trying to kiss me and have sex with me, saying he was trying to "convince me" to stay with him. Blatant disregard for my feelings. If he really cares about you, he'll respect your decision and let you leave. If not, just cut off all ties, change your phone number, delete his facebook and, if need be, get the cops involved, because you never know when it could turn violent.