By Ella - 24/07/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 460
You deserved it 28 225

Same thing different taste

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Step 1.) Kick him in the balls. Step 2.) Repeat as necessary until desired results are shown. lul.


Make his life hell until he breaks up with you.

dg72592_fml 0

tell him to **** off. you can't say no to a breakup. ignore his calls, ignore everything, stay away from him and his friends, cut him off. if he tries to harrass or threaten you, tell him if his bitch ass ever TRIES to go near you you'll go to ******* war with him. problem solved.

skullbuster 0

Ella, we have known each other for a long time and you are a co-dependent, needy, attention *****. Who cares if he said no. It's not like you are asking him for a loan, right? Stop trolling for sympathy and end this shit!

i've done that before. i told him like 2 years before if he ever tried, i'd just tell him no and continue doing what i was doing, so hen he tried....i said no, and continued doing what i was doing lol

redblueviolet 0

This FML needs more details. Did he threaten you or somehow force you to stay (for example, pointing out that you would be financially screwed if you left him, or something like that)? If so I can understand why you're still stuck with him. If this is the case, get help from a parent or a friend, or something... If he just said "no" and you stayed with him, YDI - you shouldn't let anyone walk all over you like that. If this is the case, break up with him now. He's not a good boyfriend if he disregards your feelings like he obviously has. If he explained why he thinks it could still work and you agree with him, why is this an FML? If you disagree, then, yeah, YDI and should break up with him now.

You're never stuck with anyone. Say no to his telling you no.

it once took me six months to break up with a guy, because he kept threatening to do things like kill himself or tell my parents we'd been having sex, and I was terribly afraid of all those things. but the main reason I didn't try harder to get out was that I was still attached to him even though I knew he had problems. in the end you just have to realize that only you can let someone else control you and keep you in an unhappy situation, if that is what is going on here