By Ella - 24/07/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 460
You deserved it 28 225

Same thing different taste

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Step 1.) Kick him in the balls. Step 2.) Repeat as necessary until desired results are shown. lul.


This really isn't a FML you're just a push over bitch who needs put her foot down and end it. If anything i'd say YDI for not standing up for your choice

Thats what restraining orders are for!

butterfly141989 0

lol thats kinda funny but watch out cause if he can't take bye for an answer theres a good chance hes psycho and dangerous. good luck and run

That actually happened to me once as well. After telling him I wanted to break up and that I wasn't happy, and hadn't been happy for a while, he said "It sounds like you're just having a really bad day. Why don't you think about it and we'll talk later." Honestly, sometimes guys are dumbasses, but just tell him again in a couple of days and then don't take his calls. I actually told him, then went out of town to an area where I didn't get cell phone reception so I didn't even have to know when he called.

crazy_cat_lady 0

Um.... it isn't a suggestion when you break up with someone. He said no... I bet the reason you were leaving was because you're scared of him and he's probably tried to hit you a couple of times, or even done so. I put down that you deserved it because you should have just told him "This isn't a discussion. You've been dismissed." But I'm guessing you're one of those girls that loves the drama and feels special when she's chased. Have a happy relationship being abused by him... and trust me, it will start if it hasn't already. "No, you can't breeak up with me...:" When does that turn into "No you can't wear that," "No, you can't go out," "No, you can't do this," "No you can't do that." Ugh... I would have stabbed him by now if it were me.

Sound like it's restraining order time.

ChelseaAnn08 0

Hmm...I wonder if we were dating the same guy. I had an ex that did that. I just looked at him like he was dumb though.

kristen94 0

XD you don't ask, you tell.

he said no? ahahaa, just leave. seriously.