By boblaj - 22/05/2012 16:11 - United Kingdom - Hastings

Today, I took the day off work to be with my wife, since she's always bemoaning my lack of romantic gestures. As thanks, she spent most of the day reading Fifty Shades of Grey, which is basically a blatant plagiarism of Twilight, starring a pair of two-dimensional BDSM freaks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 856
You deserved it 4 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dammit redbluegreen! You edited your comment and now I look like an idiot.


Woah!!!!! Fifty shades is brilliant and not like twighlight at all

rotflqtms_ 21

Well, as soon as I found out that Ms. Harris had written a similar book (telepathy and all) I hated that I bought and read Twilight. I read Twilight before it became so popular, and found it to be somewhat lacking. I later found out about the Stackhouse series, started reading that, an thought Ms Harris copied Twilight but made it more mature... I looked at the publication dates and, to my great surprise, found that the Stackhouse series was written a full 4 years prior to Twilight. True Blood came out on HBO, and many fans said that they were copying Twilight, and said it was a rip off. It was upsetting to see that the author who wrote this story was thrown under the bus because se didn't turn her books into movies first. Yes, many people ha stories like these, but the plots were too similar... Especially when Bill/Sparkles left Sookie/Bella and they went into a depression...Came back, Sookie/Bella forgave. Sookie/Bella had a strange gift, someone in the relationship was telepathic, Sookie/Bella were resistant to certain vampire powers, Sam...Alceide...etc warm-blooded weres/Jacob had a thing for Sookie/Bella. Choices were made. Yes, Myers did add a few things here and there, but the fact that Myers said that she never read Harris' books and therefore could not have stolen her idea is sad. Yes, there is a thing called creatively borrowing some things from another author, but so much was borrowed that it made me reasonably upset.  I did not jump on the bandwagon of Twilight haters, I hated it after I read a series that was eerily similar, but released 4 years earlier. Just because it wasn't popular at the time, she felt that she could get away with it without giving proper acknowledgements where they were due. The fact that she said that these ideas came to her in a dream was upsetting.  Yes, the teens who made such a big deal about sparkling vampires did make Twilight that much more annoying, but that wasn't what pushed me to dislike Twilight. It was an entertaining way to kill time while deciding what to do next with my life. For me, school had just ended, and I was bored out of my mind. I was about 17 when it came out, and had a lot of growing up to do. Hell, I'd read 50 shades if I had it then. Just because it wasn't great, doesn't mean it didn't help to pass the time.  I read both series. I did not jump on the bandwagon, I came to my decision on my own with proper investigation, and enlightened others who were judging True Blood.  I agreed with things the author of the post that I copied had said. I put quotes so you'd know it wasn't me talking, but for the most part, I agreed with what they said... I just didn't feel like thumbing through Twilight to find exact details when it was right there on the Internet. I only posted that information because I knew that if I had just given a link, not many would follow... I wouldn't have. Great, I made another long comment... Sorry

rotflqtms_ 21

Please excuse my errors... I'm using an iPod, and wrote A LOT...

That sucks she was rude to your gesture but I have to say that book rocks!

That sucks she was rude to your gesture but I have to say that book rocks!

You think that's the reason your life sucks?! You are a man who seems to have read Twilight. TWILIGHT. The reason she spent the Day reading Fifty Shades of Grey is because it is far more interesting than spending time with her Twilight reading husband. If she isn't already cheating on you, she will

WTF is BDSM?? **** all those sparkling sons of bitches. End.

pfclunchbox005 1

My girl is reading that shit too. Now she's on the second book!!! Wtf shit is that for a book?

haegirl89 1

Not anything like twilight and if anyone has read it, they don't even end up in a Dom/submissive relationship..

The writer of 50 Shades said it started as a Twilight fanfiction and that she had to change it so they could have hardcore BDSM.

_awwhellnaw_ 45

mostly true, except it's not actually BDSM and is just an abusive relationship.