By mc_dreamy - 21/08/2010 16:49 - United States

Today, I took my brother and nieces to the zoo. Two of the lions at the exhibit were mating, so I said, "They're playing leap-frog." My 4-year-old niece said, "Looks like they're fucking to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 645
You deserved it 16 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xsnapxitsxjustin 0

oooh .. aha u need to guide that kid . before she becomes a single mom on the future .. haha

jussjess 0

WOW! What has she been learning at preschool!?


AAAhahaha, that's too perfect! Says a lot about your brother, too. Oh god, it's so hard not to laugh. XD

your niece has a very bright future, to comprehend that at such a young age ;)

I love it. Kids say the darnedest things lol.

scooter69 0

hahahahahahah that's so funny! kids are so sharp these days ;)

i_Tanya 3

I thought i was blessed with forbidden knowledge early, at 7. this girl knows what's up.

ghoulscout666 0

kids can say the most unexpected things sometimes

haha..******* hilarious what has our world come to?