By mc_dreamy - 21/08/2010 16:49 - United States

Today, I took my brother and nieces to the zoo. Two of the lions at the exhibit were mating, so I said, "They're playing leap-frog." My 4-year-old niece said, "Looks like they're fucking to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 644
You deserved it 16 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xsnapxitsxjustin 0

oooh .. aha u need to guide that kid . before she becomes a single mom on the future .. haha

jussjess 0

WOW! What has she been learning at preschool!?


Haha. Wow. Not good. But still pretty funny. =)

I don't know what it is with the kids that show up on this website. My niece is four, and has no idea what "*******" is. She won't even use the words "stupid", or "hate". I don't know, I suppose it really depends on parenting. For example, my brother takes an active role in his kids' lives, and would make the kids shit themselves if he ever heard a word like that coming out of his four year old.

prurdygurl 0

she do funny I would take her any where with me

emilysexi3793 0

haha the two. four year old comment posts are absolutely amazing

nikalb3 0