By fmlsomuch - 25/02/2012 20:51 - Japan

Today, I told my mom about an article I'd seen that said people tend to make the most mistakes at 2 to 3 in the morning. Without a trace of humor in her voice, she said, "Tell me about it. You were conceived round about then." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 199
You deserved it 3 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In other words you were a load your mother should've swallowed.

Well, your mom is kind of a bitch. Sorry OP.


KiddNYC1O 20
linkinpark98 23

From the bottom of her icebox. (Heart)

Who's up at three in the morning in the first place?

Um... half the world? A lot of people decide to not go to bed until the wee hours of the morning. Others just can't sleep. And if the only time you have to bang your hubby is 3 am, why not? Just FYI, it's 1:40 am where I live right now.

You should have replied with, "Well I guess that's true because that's about the time that I saved your drunk ass from getting run over a few years ago!"

Your mom has a great memory. Be glad to have those genes.