By fmlsomuch - 25/02/2012 20:51 - Japan

Today, I told my mom about an article I'd seen that said people tend to make the most mistakes at 2 to 3 in the morning. Without a trace of humor in her voice, she said, "Tell me about it. You were conceived round about then." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 199
You deserved it 3 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In other words you were a load your mother should've swallowed.

Well, your mom is kind of a bitch. Sorry OP.


Emani_Jones 0

That would've been so much worse if this all happened on your birthday. Hahahaaahahahaa

rileypena1985 2
sgortiz 4

dang, that hurts. sorry dude...

I disagree!! My main work hours are during those hours, and in My profession u cant afford to make misstakes. If i were in ur shoes id prove that their "mistake" made you brilliant!