By Alex - 20/06/2014 22:05 - United Kingdom - Greenford

Today, my dad told me that I was conceived while he and my mother were high on LSD. He then stared into the distance, mumbled "Probably explains a few things" and chuckled to himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 446
You deserved it 4 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your parents seem really open minded. Your dad seems funny as well. Just be happy you're alive!

Well hopefully it had no consequences for you.


Well hopefully it had no consequences for you.

Roskosity 22

I kind of doubt it would have an effect on the long as the mom didn't trip while pregnant

Lebeaugars95 20

he gave her the trippy stick

Yes by repercussions or consequences I was implying that I hope they stopped after they conceived. So it would not affect the pregnancy

Your parents seem really open minded. Your dad seems funny as well. Just be happy you're alive!

gjikvtj 18

And that you can't see the dragon in front of the fridge.

Well, there isn't anything you can really do to change that, so in that sense FYL. But at the same time, you can strive to prove him wrong and show that LSD did not, in fact, shape any weird or unsightly habits and behaviours you might have. Just be glad you're alive! (: And, you know, you have to appreciate that honesty

it probably means you have super powers. trust me...

Or it explains why you're so crazy awesome.

Pretty sure if you were a girl you'd be called Lucy…

Depends... Does he live in the sky and have diamonds?

gjikvtj 18

Come on man Lucy's the one in the sky

Don't you love it when your parents screw you over? Even before they gave birth to you.