By fmlsomuch - 25/02/2012 20:51 - Japan

Today, I told my mom about an article I'd seen that said people tend to make the most mistakes at 2 to 3 in the morning. Without a trace of humor in her voice, she said, "Tell me about it. You were conceived round about then." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 198
You deserved it 3 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In other words you were a load your mother should've swallowed.

Well, your mom is kind of a bitch. Sorry OP.


She thinks it was in that time. I'm sure she got around a lot

Because I always check the clock before I have sex.

weasel123 9

What a charming mother you have.

Bitch! Lol tell her "hey then theres me and my boyfriend."

...So that she thinks you've failed english and this distracts her from the topic at hand?

Seriously though, what the **** are you talking about?

ROSEisAmazing01 4

That is a RUDE OLD WOMAN! I would have cussed her out. What a biatch!

If she was your moma and you cussed her out, I hope she would have bitch-slapped you back to when you were still an anxious sperm in your father's testicular sac. Seriously. Parents can do a lot worse than say a few measly words to piss off or lower their children's self-esteem. Actions speak louder than words. If your parents provide a roof over your head, food for your belly, money for everyday expenses (including a car to drive), and if they don't beat you (except for discipline), sell you to pimps, or keep you locked up in a dark dingy basement for days on end with no human contact, you need to get off your lazy ass now. Find them. Give them a big hug and thank them. Damn ungrateful bastards . . .

Seeing as fml is mostly made up of angsty teenagers I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up with a tsunami of downvotes.

Yeah . . . I figured that. It's okay. Revenge is best served cold, already chewed up and spit back out. They will understand once they have kids. I believe God finds quite a bit of humour in watching these type of people try to raise their own. I imagine Him up there rolling on Heaven's floor laughing hysterically. :)

@ l0v3p4in I am so happy that people like you still exist. Teenagers are extremely ungrateful. I heard this kid complaining about how het parents got a new phone before her. When I've seen her drive to school in a parent bought car.

Awww, why thank you! :) I've actually witnessed an obese 15 year old complain to her mother why she couldn't get her some ice cream and fix her cell phone's internet connection while the mother was laying in a hospital bed on the very day she had surgery. You could see the mother had her eyes closed, half out of it, trying to ignore her. It took a lot of composure to hold back from slapping that girl. A LOT of composure!

#51… wtf bro? Seriously just because you and all you followers have 5 examples of spoiled kids dosent mean we are all spoiled… you say that cussing the mom out would have been bad, but you say that you had to restrain from slapping a young girl… I and many other people would agree slapping someone half your age that you don't even know and yelling at a mom because she said something very offensive are two completely different things.… so kindly shut your ******* face

FlamingTacos 7

My biggest mistake at that time would be setting fire to the rain, which burned down my house

Adele, what did I tell you about keeping the fact that you're the Avatar secret?

It's alright. I shoulda been shot to the floor myself. It ain't so bad bud

I find this even more hilarious imagining OP's mother saying it in a Japanese accent.