By Chubby - 17/11/2011 16:50 - United States

Today, I told my boss about a coworker that had been hitting on me. She looked me dead in the eye and said "I was afraid that would happen. He's a bit of a chubby chaser." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 203
You deserved it 5 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I hope you broke out the baby powder & kept your p¡mp hand strong!!!

wriptidez 0

sounds like that shoe the office

#132 You are what you say you are. This would apparently be toilet paper. Not everyone is designed to be a 0 or 7, 8 or skinny. Some people just have bodies that are bigger. I wish would people would stop being so freaking judgmental. Her boss should not have said that.

Tell me what country you live in, so I can avoid it and keep my freedom of speech.

Weird, I came across this FML while watching Debra DiGiovanni and she made a joke about chubby chasers. Spooky :P

legit_shit15 2

dude if you know your fat embrace. and quit acting so surprised when other people do.

Well, you're obviously chubby. How can you take offense at that? If you don't believe that you are, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your physique, how you envision yourself, and then set some goals.