Gifts for the whole family

By don’tletthembite - 04/05/2020 02:00

Today, my trucker husband brought home roses for me, toys for the kids and bedbugs for the whole house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 730
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slowhandjp 16

Most truckers sleep in their trucks and bedbugs aren’t really travelers so you don’t get them for just a short sit down somewhere. How’d he get them?


I'm sure the kids are going to love having pets during the lockdown. They are rugged little buggers and can handle the roughest horseplay your kids can dish out. Namby-pamby pets like vertebrates have to be cared for or they'll die. Mankind has been trying for centuries to kill bedbugs unsuccessfully, so they can endure your kids' hijinks.

slowhandjp 16

Truckers use hotels at times. Truck repairs make it tough to sleep in the cab.

Most truckers sleep in their trucks and bedbugs aren’t really travelers so you don’t get them for just a short sit down somewhere. How’d he get them?

Diatomaceous Earth—— sprinkles this shit everywhere in your house and vacate for a couple of days. Yea... theres gonna be hella cleaning to do BUT it does KILL them and they didn’t come back. Granted, the infestation we had was limited to only one room in the house 😅 I wish you luck! A bed bug bite is one of the worst pains/itches I have ever experienced and they scar so bad 😩

I swear by this stuff, it kills fleas and is safe on pets! For rescue life, you need something to get rid of the FLEAS!

Hopefully from his truck bed, and not someone else’s bed.