By angela - 12/06/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I thought my face was breaking out with pimples, and I thought it was weird because I never break out. And I noticed all these "bug bites" all over my body. When I got home, I realized those weren't bug bites. I have chicken pox, and my high school graduation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 293
You deserved it 3 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This happened to me ... for my primary school graduation. Damn sad. Hope you get over it soon. I haven't. It has been 4 years ...


alex_vik 0

I didn't even go to my highschool graduation. It's stupid and I've never regretted it. I've never had chicken pox either.

Haha listen to you germy ppl, if you're sick you should stay inside. Eurgh

krs1234 0

i had the mom works for the state dept. of health so i get every vaccine.... and i still had chickenpox when i was 6...over christmas.......sooo maybe the vaccine didn't help if she hadn't been vaccinated recently the vaccine could have worn off. google chicken pox vaccine wearing off

So? Honesty, I think graduation is retarded. I only went to my high school one cause it's required, I didn't go to either of my college graduations... Sucks that your parents didn't love you enough to expose you to a kid with chicken pox when you were little so you could just get it and get it over with. FYL for that.

sportsnut 0

i agree with the second part of #35, blame your parents for not being normal and making you sick when you were younger

I only see one person here smart enough to tell you NOT to go. The fact that you have a contagious DISEASE and are more concerned with missing your graduation than all the people you might have infected when you DIDN'T know you were sick is NOT a good sign either. Stay away from the graduation. It sucks, but it's just another ceremony. There will be more of them in your life.

mamasharones 0

Definitely not much of an you go to graduation with chicken pox....oh well! But you can always look forward to maybe having the shingles later in life! HOORAY!

happysmartg 5

dude...thats your fault. you should have gotten your shots.

kneegrow143 0

Oh no, I hope your not a guy, otherwise prepare for some painful ******** swelling! Thats why your supposed to get it as a kid!