By Spotted - 18/02/2009 22:09 - Canada

Today, at Church, the little boy sitting behind me asked his mother if I had the chicken pox, because there were red dots all over my face. I've had bad acne since I was twelve. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 316
You deserved it 3 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eh, kids will ask harmless questions about things they don't understand. There's no ill-intent.

A kid told me to my face I was ugly because I had all these red dots on my face that were "definitely NOT freckles" -- I went on Accutane shortly after that (because my acne was HORRIBLE) and it worked wonders. I'm so sorry you had to deal with cruel children too :(


Eh, kids will ask harmless questions about things they don't understand. There's no ill-intent.

you can go to a good dermatologist and get help. My friend had horrid acne and he got help. Worst things that can happen the acne.

A kid told me to my face I was ugly because I had all these red dots on my face that were "definitely NOT freckles" -- I went on Accutane shortly after that (because my acne was HORRIBLE) and it worked wonders. I'm so sorry you had to deal with cruel children too :(

#8, the child is not cruel, just uninformed. It's possible for a child to be cruel about this, but here that is clearly not the case.

mikeyellenlee 0

Dude, I'm sorry <3 I know it sucks to live with something you can't control.

feb 19 2009, there are many options to help your situation. Then you can look as beautiful as you are on the inside.

yeah bro, about half of us had sick acne

I honestly can't. I don't to have an acne problem, so I'm not sure how to deal with it when I do break out in the future.

StephC_fml 0

I've had terrible acne since I was 11 and i've had people who are my age, younger, and even older make fun of me, but don't let it get you down. Kid's are just curious and uninformed, while some older people are just ignorant & immature. The best thing you can do is try to see a dermatologist, if you can't then ask your doctor what they recommend or just keep trying different products. Just remember that it takes time for the product to work, it doesn't work overnight and don't give up. I've been trying to get rid of my acne for about 5 years now and I still have it. Don't give up and don't let the comments get to you.