By angela - 12/06/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I thought my face was breaking out with pimples, and I thought it was weird because I never break out. And I noticed all these "bug bites" all over my body. When I got home, I realized those weren't bug bites. I have chicken pox, and my high school graduation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 293
You deserved it 3 716

Same thing different taste

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This happened to me ... for my primary school graduation. Damn sad. Hope you get over it soon. I haven't. It has been 4 years ...


th3dalillama08 0

Hope you see this in time. Not many people know but once the dots start to show you are no longer contagious. You are contagisius in the time leading up to when they show so you can go to graduation. They only thing you have to worry about is comfort. That's y chicken pox spread parents take their kids out when the spot show but at that point they have already infected everyone.

Icarus3 0

I went to my Kindergarten "graduation" in long sleeves because I was still recovering from chicken pox. I was in what I think was just about the last batch of kids who got it routinely before the vaccine came out. Still, if you knew were never vaccinated and never caught it... you should have asked to get vaccinated!

IronysMe 0

yeahhh, you don't deserve it (not that anyone does), but you should just be grateful that it was chicken pox, which lasts a few days/weeks, instead of actually being pimples, which could be all the time for years. your life is far from ******, dear...

Ya its done with everyone at this teen stage so dont worry about this, slowly its gone away and your face should be clear after some year...

FYL. ): sorry about your spots. Hopefully you won't feel too sick for graduation (you're not contagious after the spots show up). I'm hoping this was a case of getting the pox twice, rather than not having been vaccinated... Not vaccinating your kids is completely irresponsible, both to the children and to society as a whole. Parents who don't get their kids vaccinated should be required to take an introductory biology class, where they will learn how diseases become resistant to vaccines.

Iloveyewrawrr 0

I agree with #5 put some makeup on as many as you can see.

#6 Getting the chicken pox at a young age is a misconception. You can get it at any age, but I hear it's worse in adults. I got them when I was in 7th Grade. #7 (and everyone else who mentioned him not getting a vaccination) The chicken pox vaccination isn't permanent. It wears off, probably after 10 years or so, which was my situation. So, everyone, you may want to go see your doctor.

ugh, I;m sorry. also finally an FML that isn't all about whiny ass like children who should be shot in the face.