By angela - 12/06/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I thought my face was breaking out with pimples, and I thought it was weird because I never break out. And I noticed all these "bug bites" all over my body. When I got home, I realized those weren't bug bites. I have chicken pox, and my high school graduation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 293
You deserved it 3 716

Same thing different taste

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This happened to me ... for my primary school graduation. Damn sad. Hope you get over it soon. I haven't. It has been 4 years ...


I agree with number 7 y don't u hve a shot for them?

heymomma 0

Awww, so sorry!! Congrats on graduation. The graduation ceremony and walk is not as important as the actual diploma. In 10 years you'll still have the diploma, but you really won't remember the graduation. #19 If over 50% of Chicken pox death occur in adults, would it not be worth it to come off the cash to PAY for the vaccination. I know they are done at our local Health Dept. An ounce of prevention....

That has to suck. I know a guy who got it when he was in his 30s - 40s. But he was from Scotland.

Wonder why you didn't get the vaccine when you were little? I did and I'm older than you, so it's not a new thing. Sucks for you, but you shouldn't go to your graduation. Getting chicken pox in teenage years is probably bad enough, but it's terrible for adults.

Lots of kids here don't get chicken pox vaccinations. What happened to me was I got chicken pox when I was 6, and half my class came over to my house to get infected to reduce the chance of getting it later in life. :D

aww, feel better, dear! (I'd say go anyway, if you're on antibiotics or whatever already ;)

do NOT go to the graduation. Even wearing make-up. Some of the older people in the audience may not have had chicken pox before and if they get it now it could be fatal. Just so you don't follow the advice of the dumbshits who are telling you go. It does suck though, what a time to get them... :/ FYL indeed

ozymandias_fml 0

Your PARENTS deserve it -- for not getting you vaccinated.

That sucksss D: I'm sorry. Congrats on graduating though! Don't scratch at them, it makes it worse. When I had it I dug out a whole one from my forehead, it took about a month for the scab to go away but almost 6 years to completely heal over. There's hardly any trace of it now though. xD

Jae87 0

Put on some makeup to cover it up. For graduation, in that gown not much skin will be seen anyway. You can pull this off, paint an inch thick, lol. Oh, and #26, (s)he's going to be in the middle of his/her peers. They either had chicken pox or should get it sooner rather than later. It'll be good for them.

I don't think chicken pox spreads THAT fast for you to have them all over your body within ONE day.