By GuitarChick42 - 04/04/2009 18:15 - United States

Today, I thought I heard my little sister playing on my brand new grand piano. Angry, I ran downstairs to stop her. My parents were having sex. On my piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 321 467
You deserved it 22 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think they'd at least have the courtesy to wait until no one else is home before screwing somewhere where anyone could just walk in!

abcdefghijklmno_fml 0


music to my ears.. lol jk I feel bad for you though. Thats one thing ive never had to walk in on and I hope to God I never do.

Aw man that sucks... Scarred for life

ughhhhhhhhh. that realllllllllllllllllllllllllly sucks. this is why i love that my parents are divorced.(: aha, go get some counseling.

gross. total fml. im so glad im not you lol

wisconsinboy 0

I also am a fellow musician, and I, too, play the piano. Therefore, I also take good care of my instruments, but if you can afford a grand piano, suck it up, I'm sure your mommy or daddy could afford to fix it or replace it. or if your too "emotionally disturbed" to get over it then once again, your mommy and daddy could pay for your therapy... Boy it sounds rough (sarcasm incase you didnt get it)

#48 A guy in my class has a piano too, he's 13 years old. I don't think you have to be an adult to own a piano.

Emily_T 0

disinfect the piano!!! that is totally gross poor you