By GuitarChick42 - 04/04/2009 18:15 - United States

Today, I thought I heard my little sister playing on my brand new grand piano. Angry, I ran downstairs to stop her. My parents were having sex. On my piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 321 467
You deserved it 22 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think they'd at least have the courtesy to wait until no one else is home before screwing somewhere where anyone could just walk in!

abcdefghijklmno_fml 0


peacevitalove 0

=X thats the most hilariously traumatizing thing i could ever think of. its like your eyes are being raped >.

MCart_fml 0

LMFAO.. i hope they paid to have it cleaned and tuned!

Dude....if you bought that piano, I'm sorry. (I don't know how old you are.) I would have been so angry beyond belief - you don't mess around with people's music instruments. (If they're yours, go ahead, but have some respect.) Parents might have caught a beatdown right there. I'd have been in such a rage... If you didn't buy it and your parents did...well, suck it up dude. You don't really have a case there.

linacool15 0

omg i play piano and i'd go NUTS if anything like that ever happened to me. so sorry, dude...

linacool15 0

oh ew, that's disgusting i've had my piano for 11 years, if someone was doing that on mine, i'd be both grossed out and pissed

So disturbing! If someone was having sex on my piano, I'd KILL them.

downthealley 0

Did it sound like Fur Elise?

morgan56_fml 0
redhusk89 0

# 143 you just made my day. seriously though I'm a violinist and I know of someone (yes I know it's the old friend of a friend but I honestly do know this guy) who found his mother using his bow as a sex toy. I would totally freak if anything were done to my violin. That sucks hardcore. But like 143 said if you have that much money you can suck it up. (If you're a Juli then that just totally sucks since that would make it the schools piano) >.< O-o >-O try explaining that to your prof. "well you see the C's flat and the action is ruined because.....