Stop bringing it up!

By Anonymous - 02/04/2024 03:30 - India

Today, I've recently been promoted to a VP at a bank. Despite this, in my parents' eyes, I will always be that idiot two year-old who refused to put his pants on at the cinema. FML
I agree, your life sucks 493
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

live your life for you. you do NOT need their approval or validation. if they can't give you the respect you deserve, distance yourself

😂😂😂😂 Sweetie, you could be President of the entire universe and you'd *still* be the 2yo who refused to put his pants on at the cinema to your parents.


live your life for you. you do NOT need their approval or validation. if they can't give you the respect you deserve, distance yourself

😂😂😂😂 Sweetie, you could be President of the entire universe and you'd *still* be the 2yo who refused to put his pants on at the cinema to your parents.

if I were you, I’d just enjoy the paycheck and the status while you have it. it’s not important how others see you

L0life29 6

I served 16 years with 4 tours in the navy and I’m still the kid who peed in a plant when I was four