By alex327 - 29/10/2015 03:32 - United States - Dayton

Today, I tapped my sister on her shoulder to get her attention. I guess I was too close to her neck, which is where she is most ticklish, and ended up in the emergency room with a broken nose after she elbowed me in the face. I was just trying to repay her the $10 I borrowed from her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 451
You deserved it 2 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Future employers be warned: this girl does /not/ like getting payed.

soldier084 11

next time just call her by her name instead of coming up from behind and touching her.


Future employers be warned: this girl does /not/ like getting payed.

moo77_fml 20

Ouch!!! Won't want to borrow money from her again :(

soldier084 11

next time just call her by her name instead of coming up from behind and touching her.

townailz 16

Pretty sure there won't be a next time lol

Steve97 32

I honestly don't get why girls absolutely hate getting tickled so much it's not a big deal it's not like it hurts >.

Actually it can. You know how they say you can't tickle yourself? I can't scratch my feet because it tickles, and hurts. It just depends on how sensitive the nerves are. I can't get a massage because it tickles too much and causes me pain. Lashing out can be an automatic response, and not the sisters fault. Plus, if she wasn't expecting it, he may have startled her. And it's not just girls, I know guys with this response too.

I assure you, a lot of guys will punch you if you try to tickle them. Then they will chase you and punch you again.

It doesn't need to hurt to be a huge violation of personal space. If someone came up to you and said, "I want to run my fingers crazily over your neck, feet, etc." it would be creepy as hell. Actually /doing/ that is tickling.

she said eff you, pay me... but with her elbow, lol

You knew she is jumpy, why would you surprise her from behind?

Accidentally tickling my spouse in bed tends to have involuntary spasm, fortunately I got good at stopping the knees and elbows, at least it was the face and not the gnads