By Anonymous - 12/06/2012 16:38 - United States - North Las Vegas

Today, I started my new job as a repossession agent. While attempting to repo a boat, we came across a young couple. The woman was very annoying, and even hit another agent, so I threatened to throw her in the water if she touched him again. I ended up in the water instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 468
You deserved it 14 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you at least bring her down with you? At least then you could've accomplished your threat

Flocka_23 14

I hope you took as much pleasure in repossessing her boat as humanly possible


Did you at least bring her down with you? At least then you could've accomplished your threat

Damn_Hippster 11

I hope you can swim. This reminds me of that show "Repo-Men."

And Operation Repo. Except without the obese family and a woman that looks like Dracula.

ZX6Rninja 0

Those shows are so scripted its not even funny.

perdix 29

The movie "Repo Man" with Emilio Estevez and Harry Dean Stanton is fantastic! Let's eat sushi -- and not pay. Dioretics.

p3mguin 7

Lizard lick towing YOU HAVE JUS BEEN LICKED! Like a fly in a frog pond. Love the sayings on that show haha

KairoFallin 0

58- Same here it's a great show.

Flocka_23 14

I hope you took as much pleasure in repossessing her boat as humanly possible

eddyg94 11

That's not very nice! We don't know anything about the woman on the boat, and it sounds like OP started the physical side; why should we wish the boat woman ill?

45, to be fair it's not like they just decide not to pay their bills. They don't pay them because they can't. When the repo men come some people freak out because they are losing everything they tried so hard to be able to keep. It's the moment when they have to accept that they are in a bad financial state and they probably will be for a long time. I can imagine it's very emotionally distressing, which is why people get violent or desperate.

48, While what you say may be true (though at the same time I do think it's because they're just generally dickheads anyway), excusing violent or aggressive behaviour just because someone is not able to live beyond their means is not acceptable. I have no sympathy for these people unless they act civilly, theres no reason to attack someone for doing their job.

I completely agree, 55, and I am in no way saying the couple's behavior is justified. Regardless of how bad your situation is- financial or otherwise, you have no excuse to be violent towards another person. I was just giving a little insight to the otherside.

eddyg94 11

If you have no right to be violent to another person #79, can you justify OP's threat to the woman?

There are traders who sell luxury items to people, knowing full well they can't afford them, getting the first few rates and then repossess the items. Sure their customers are stupid, but the sellers are dirt bags. I don't think the sellers deserve sympathy either. And the repo guys know what kind of businesses they deal with. It may all be legal, but it's still slimy.

Yea you shoulda just straight tackled her into the water. That way you still win

If you and your co-worker can't handle this one woman. You're in the wrong profession buddy.

OP did say "started my new job" - you can't expect them to be perfect on the first day!

He also said it was a couple, not just a girl so it may have been her boyfriend that did it.. If not definitely fyl OP. Lol

Should of brought out the pepper spray......

inkedav 8

It's either you walk the walk or talk the talk. Maybe you should find a better fit job for you. Office job perhaps. ?