High flying old bird

By Anonymous - 08/04/2023 04:00

Today, while on vacation with my family, I went parasailing. Just as I was about to take off, the wind picked up and I got blown off course. I ended up crashing into a boat and had to be rescued by the coastguard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 675
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, that blows! Thank goodness for the Coast Guard they were able to rescue you. I hope you weren't hurt !

Parasailing and bungy jumping are the poor mans ski diving. Too many parts to fail I'd pass.


Damn, that blows! Thank goodness for the Coast Guard they were able to rescue you. I hope you weren't hurt !

Parasailing and bungy jumping are the poor mans ski diving. Too many parts to fail I'd pass.

Hey! At least you weren't attacked by a shark.