
By Anonymous - 16/08/2013 04:24 - United States - Orlando

Today, I received a text saying, "I don't think we should be friends anymore. You're terribly depressing and you make everyone unhappy" followed by, "Oops, wrong person!" and then by, "Sorry, it really is for you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 287
You deserved it 4 888

Same thing different taste

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Text back: "Who are you again? I forgot, I have so many assholes in my contacts."

Actually, this IS pretty depressing compared to other FMLs that just talk about inconveniences like anal seepage. It's quite depressing to find out your friends would rather ditch you than help you out if they think you sound sad all the time, that'd usually be the cue to ask if anything's wrong, not dump them. ): Also, am I the only one who thought the first comment was being sarcastic?


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hunterluv1 20

Do you not understand the point of FML?

DrownedMyFish 18

You really shouldn't be on FML if you thought this one was a depressing read.

DrownedMyFish 18

Hold on. I think #1 was attempting to make a joke. It just wasn't funny.

Actually, this IS pretty depressing compared to other FMLs that just talk about inconveniences like anal seepage. It's quite depressing to find out your friends would rather ditch you than help you out if they think you sound sad all the time, that'd usually be the cue to ask if anything's wrong, not dump them. ): Also, am I the only one who thought the first comment was being sarcastic?

I think #1 was joking, because in the fml the op's ex friend says he / she is terribly depressing and makes everyone unhappy...

I think he/she said that as a parody to the FML

25, uhm... the one right below this one.

Wow, forget them OP. obviously they can't see what an awesome and amazing person you are! They don't deserve to be your friend anyways!

Clearly they have more of an opinion than a random person on the internet. Don't try and make OP feel better with lies, he/she probably is a very depressing person. Stop with all these lies and sugar-coating, if OP wants friends then he/she needs to change.

Meh. if they dont like you for who you are. There not a true friend anyway

You can't just use that as an excuse everytime although its tempting. Things need to change, OP.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Ya.. like if youre depressed, take actions to better your life. If you come off as depressing, then forget them! Apparently your personality type doeant work with theirs.

#3 That doesn't really fit here... Depressing is not who the OP is. If they're a depressing person, they're probably also a depressed person. The friend should have brought it up face to face though, and been a little nicer.

Text back: "Who are you again? I forgot, I have so many assholes in my contacts."

This is what I'll do next time someone's a jackass. Thanks.

You're better off without him/her, trust me. Not only is it low to say things like that through SMS, but the whole number confusion also suggests she/he might've not been the brightest spoon in the shed.

I completely agree with you. But it is either "Brightest spoon in the drawer" or "Brightest tool in the shed".Please don't mind, I'm just a grammar Nazi. FYL OP.

Actually, that's the joke. ;) And it's a mix of: *Sharpest spoon in the drawer. *Sharpest tool in the shed. *Brightest light in the room. / Brightest crayon in the box.

RedPillSucks 31

Yes. Mixing metaphors on purpose can be very punny. Unfortunately some people either don't get it or are too anal about it. That spoils the joke. I thought it was funny. And grammar nazis don't care about metaphors as long as the grammar is OK.

That phrase is rather confusing... "sharpest spoon in the drawer". I dunno about you but my spoons aren't sharp.. Just round

OP also needs to obviously change something

Yes #34, I forgot you knew the entire situation, and that OP is to blame. Look at the situation from all angles before making an ignorant, assuming comment.

Yes 34 because changing depression is so simple... It's obvious if they're a depressing person they're probably depressed and just saying "well just change it" is probably the rudest thing you can tell someone with a mental illness.

websphere69 27

Its sas the way that people are losing that personal touch with each other these days, its their loss!

I've had people say that to me. It just makes me more depressing because then I have angst about losing friends. Yay for vicious cycles?

I think that it's probably time to reflect on yourself as a person... Maybe everyone else feels this way too...

one isolated opinion doesn't make op have to question his/her own personality

Correct, but a little self reflection doesn't hurt in a situation like this.

I heard texting back "k" makes people really angry... Try that.

"**** you, you botched abortion! I hate you and never want to see you or even hear your name uttered again! I curse you and hope that your head falls off at an awkward moment and tumbles into the depths of hell followed shortly by the rest of your body!" ... "K."