By wearingashirtatthepool - 09/05/2016 00:04 - United States - East Brunswick

Today, I spent thirty minutes on the phone with my best friend's mom, because her daughter was too afraid to tell me that I'm no longer a bridesmaid at her wedding because I'm too fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 728
You deserved it 1 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cdb89928 7

She isn't a true friend if she cares about something like that. You deserve better and don't ever feel bad about yourself


What a coward and a snotbag. She's no friend to you. Maybe don't show up at the wedding. It's clear she doesn't care enough for you to share in her happiness.

And that is when I'd tell them to stick the invitation where the sun don't shine.

Such a sneaky way to go about it and very immature. I would cancel going there alltogether, why waste time and money on such a backstabber.

Yeah that's not a best friend, a best friend would not never kick you out of the wedding party because of your asthetic.

Definitely sucks that your (hopefully ex) friend didn't have the chutzpah to tell you herself. P.S. Nothing wrong with wearing a shirt at the pool. My BFF & I wear them & it has nothing to do with size or body image, it's just we don't want to get burnt to a crisp or have to put 10 gallons of sunscreen on every hour.

0262944 15

I don't think it's that she isn't a "true friend" but that she wants a perfect wedding.

idk, two of my three bridesmaids were a little overweight, didn't make my wedding any less perfect. If you have everyone there that loves and supports you, then it's perfect. If you care more about the fat girl who will be in your wedding photos then you're shallow and probably didn't care enough about OP. If OP was her best friend, then her weight shouldn't be what's important; having your best friend for a bridesmaid should be more important than what your best friend looks like.

This happened to me when I was pregnant. My best friend told me I wouldn't match the other 2 (stick thin) bridesmaids so couldn't be a bridesmaid anymore. I would only be 5 months gone when the wedding came around - bitch

The same happened to me about ten years ago. Never went to the wedding and don't regret it.

I think there could be another side to this. If she's really your best friend that is. Is it because you weren't feeling comfortable or maybe that you wouldn't be comfortable in a chosen dress (noticed the shirt in a pool thing). I used to be like that so that's why I'm asking. If not I'm really sorry op that's a shitty situation. Hope it can be resolved.

Sounds like your friend sees weddings as a photo opportunity. That's a great way to go into a marriage...