Down the rabbit hole of assumptions

By Not Suicidal - 02/07/2020 05:04

Today, a lady talking about the Bible came to my house. She looked at me and said I wouldn't need to cut myself if I had God in my life. Mom heard and did a thorough investigation of my body for scars. I had to bathe my rabbit last night, and he scratched me. They were from him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 668
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Skanker 5

Hey! So I own a indoor bunny too, and I just wanted to let you know that bathing your bunny like a dog is not a good idea! This can really make them sick because of the type of fur they have and how long it takes to dry them can give them hypothermia. If your bunny is really dirty, using a damp cloth would be the trick. I would give Sherlock foot baths sometimes, but nothing more than that. Not judging you at all, some people don’t know that, but I’m sure you want your bunny safe :)

voodoo66 5

never let a jehovahs witness in, only causes trouble


Skanker 5

Hey! So I own a indoor bunny too, and I just wanted to let you know that bathing your bunny like a dog is not a good idea! This can really make them sick because of the type of fur they have and how long it takes to dry them can give them hypothermia. If your bunny is really dirty, using a damp cloth would be the trick. I would give Sherlock foot baths sometimes, but nothing more than that. Not judging you at all, some people don’t know that, but I’m sure you want your bunny safe :)

Also, bathing them like that can stress then out to the point of heart failure. A damp cloth can be used to spot clean them, if necessary.

Scars look a lot different from fresh cuts. Bathing a rabbit at night? Sounds a little satanic to me. Maybe Church Lady had a point.

voodoo66 5

never let a jehovahs witness in, only causes trouble

ViviMage 38

Don't bathe the bunny like a dog, they can go into shock! Bunny butt baths are the best if you really have to when stuff sticks.

It’s ok, so vertically to get attention and horizontal to do it for real. You’re welcome.

Don't know if you did it deliberately or not but you have that backwards. I'm not encouraging either but for safety sake, know that vertical is more dangerous because it follows the veins.

And this is why I don't answer the door to strangers.