By wearingashirtatthepool - 09/05/2016 00:04 - United States - East Brunswick

Today, I spent thirty minutes on the phone with my best friend's mom, because her daughter was too afraid to tell me that I'm no longer a bridesmaid at her wedding because I'm too fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 728
You deserved it 1 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cdb89928 7

She isn't a true friend if she cares about something like that. You deserve better and don't ever feel bad about yourself


gingersnap9113 1
scottishoatmeal 22

how rude but be the better person and go show her how bad she was for being a rude bitch cake

I got kicked out from a wedding party as a bridesmaid because I became pregnant and I would be too fat on the wedding day. It was my sister in laws wedding.

Best friends love you for who you are. You need to get a real best friend!

I would not consider her your best friend.

Send that bitch a glitter bomb while shes wearing her wedding dress