By mrs14 - 11/09/2012 02:04 - United States

Today, I spent five minutes sitting in my car, panicking and tearing my purse apart because I couldn't find my keys. I then found them. They were in the ignition, and the car was running. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 470
You deserved it 31 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I did the exact opposite today. I was really confused that I couldn't make my truck go forward, until I realised I'd put my keys down in the back seat when I put my dog there. I swear the little bugger was laughing at me.

Someone had a busy day. It happens to me all the time. Mom brain makes me forget everything.


You look like someone who I would do. Hahaha? No?

Sounds to me like you are stressed out. If you can have a holiday or the very least take a mental health day and stay in bed. Stress makes idiots out of us all.

I do that often with my pretty bad short term memory, but just don't let the stress or whatever's keeping you busy get to you, keep zen and everything will be fine :)

Within ten days of each other, I locked my car with the keys in the ignition, keeping it running. So I have "blonde moments" too when it comes to keys and cars. You're not alone OP.

wildsweetchild 19

We all in one way or another have been in similar or even same situation as you. A bit embarrassing when it happens..but nothing too major. You'll survive.

Yeah, because your hair colour determines how bright you are, makes sense.

tne201992 12

You know what screw this blonde stereotypes!! That was so 2000's!

PInK_ExCiTeD 7

Don't worry OP everyone has their blonde moments :)

tne201992 12

Totally understandable! It's like when you can't find your cell phone, but you're already talking to someone on it.