By rachgirl6 - 22/10/2018 23:00 - Australia

Today, after I ran and just caught the train home after work, it took me 4 stops to realise I had driven to work that day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 746
You deserved it 895

Top comments

I think OP meant to write "stops," not "steps." FYL either way....

On the upside you exercised for that day. And the next.


On the upside you exercised for that day. And the next.

On a good note, your car should still be at your workplace when you arrive using public transportation.

Hopefully they have on site parking and didn't use a secure parking structure; otherwise they'll most likely be feeling the wrath of their pricing... which could easily be $75... a good 3x what a typical early bird price is..

Oh, I forgot about that! I hope it's onsite.

I think OP meant to write "stops," not "steps." FYL either way....

You needed 4 steps? All I’d require is that you’d gimme 3 steps, gimme 3 steps, mister, gimme 3 steps toward the door...

I’ll bet those voting my comment down hasn’t seen my band, Stolen Colon.