By PandaMantis - 25/06/2011 04:32 - United States

Today, I sent my romantic interest a sexy text about a dream I had about a "sex gameshow." I sent it by replying to the last text sent. I'm now responsible for traumatizing my 12 year old niece who could only reply, "Like Jeopardy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 339
You deserved it 48 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg! poor kid! Always watch out to whom you are sending a text!

liy223 6

yes exactly like jeopardy... your cousins genuine innocence makes me smile.


Omg! poor kid! Always watch out to whom you are sending a text!

pronounciations 5

Doesn't seem like the kid was scarred at all.

send someone to give the child a repressed memory :D never wake up and immediately text, next thing you know you asked your mom for boobie pics and your friends think you're a douche for begging them to do their laundry. ... not that it's personal experience or anything.

imacreeper 3

better then accidentally sending the text to your mom.

lakaiskate 12

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terranada 3

She's 12. It's about time she learned these things.

poor kid, but yeah why does she need a phone,?

you used to text in class, eh, shows in your post :)

I think someone needs to get some priorities strait . . . being able to text in class is not the most important thing a person's life, especially not if you're twelve. And maybe you should have spent more time actually paying attention in class rather than perfecting your shorthand.

Today, I got a text from my aunt about a dream she had. Her dream was about a sex game show... FML

78, she never said that was the most important thing in life. she was giving an example of her situation in relation to the story. my sister is 12 & has had a cell for 2 years now. honestly, she's on the honor roll & a cheerleader (where they have to have good grades & turn in report cards). there's no correlation between having & cell phone at a young age & not doing good in school. she's also a good kid. there's more to life than judging someone who isn't like you, 78.

Really, lots of twelve year olds gave phones! My daughter for example and also she knows about sex and all that so she wouldn't be traumatized just grossed out!

umm I'm twelve and I have a phone? lots of twelve year olds have a phone. it's actully pretty common

When I was 12, all I had was a jumprope and my imagination.

kingtz 6

42- I'm 15 and still don't have a phone. Nor do I want one. I prefer to talk to people face to face.

sxe_beast 11

Well 149 when you're in a horrible accident and everyone around you is on fire FYL for not having a phone. At this point I think everyone should have a mobile device for emergencies at the very least.

wolfshadow 4

114-Now when you're 12, you have gory video games and obesity. Modern America for the mind, or should I say, belly.

marix54888 0

why does the 12 year old have a phone, I thought the economy was bad right?

ive had a phone since second grade and actually started texting when i was 10 its common

That's dumb...It's not like anyone with an average or better intelligence learns anything in a public school classroom anyways.

what a rebel. why brag about it? nobody else had a phone in second grade so why bother? and u say u were texting when u were ten like someone bragging about losing their virginity at 62.

liy223 6

yes exactly like jeopardy... your cousins genuine innocence makes me smile.

wow. That's why you check who you're sending it to first. Poor Kid.

true kids these days get nasty at younger ages then before

Fatalix_fml 0

My mom answered any question I had so I had a bit of knowledge about that at 12. And I was dreaming about sex already, so I doubt she's traumatized, she just thought it was like jeopardy.

BooGhosted 0

Then before? How far we talking because I'm fairly sure not that long ago girls got married at 14 never mind just talk dirty... Not long being like a century. How can you say nowadays when more time has gone by where it was worse then recent days.

I can't believe that a 12years old still be so innocent !!!

just because she replied "like jeopardy?" doesn't make her so innocent. chances are she was just creeped out her uncle sent that to her.

I'm 17 and I still don't get many sexual innuendos... i take pride in my innocent mindset.

I'm almost 20. While I'm married now with our first child on the way, I was 13 before I was even started to be told. I got my period at almost fifteen so that's how I could stay innocent that long. I didn't know about orgasms or anything until seventeen and my husband had to tell me a lot about it. So some kids are still very innocent.

KennKenn 0

She'll be fine. Kids these days mature faster.

skaterblue12 0

yeah I knew at 9. at a pg-13 movie