By Oops54321 - 28/09/2009 07:12 - France

Today, I was feeling really horny. I decided to send dirty texts to my girlfriend. I sent the first and she didn't reply, so I sent more and more and then I got one back saying 'Stay away from my little girl.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 728
You deserved it 33 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smooth... Here's some advice: Don't go to her house ever again. Why? Because her dad will be waiting with a baseball bat and you, you will be DEAD. So yeah.. Don't go to her house!


wowyoufail 2

**** that sucks. But...threesome opportunity!! Huh

This is the worst comment I have ever seen.

Smooth... Here's some advice: Don't go to her house ever again. Why? Because her dad will be waiting with a baseball bat and you, you will be DEAD. So yeah.. Don't go to her house!

They live in France, a more understanding country. They'll work it out.

MyNameIsLolz 0

French? Just needs a bit of editing. Smooth... Here's some advice: Don't go to her house ever again. Why? Because her dad will be waiting with a cressant and you, you will be FED.

dickster 0

You retard. It is croissant. I want to punch you now.

aaronperez 0

Who.The.****.Cares. It was funny, and we all knew what he meant. If u want to punch someone for not spelling a word right, get help.

IzabellaBlack 0

The bad spelling makes it funnier.

Colombiano1609 0

:) one person agreeing is better than none

ragweed...give a reason why it's fake, or are you just wanting to being annoying?

Glam_fml 0

Ragweed is most likely just a troll. OP now you know that if someone doesn't answer your text right away, sending more texts isn't the answer. Either a) they don't have their phone on them or b) they don't want to talk to you.