By MyBallsForSaleOnEbay - 21/08/2015 15:25 - Malta - Naxxar

Today, I screamed like a little girl and scrambled to climb atop the toilet seat when I saw a cockroach running around our bathroom. My 5-year-old nephew came in, slapped it to death and said not to be scared, because he'll always protect me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 142
You deserved it 7 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your 5 year old nephew bought the balls on eBay! :P


I'm laughing so hard at this! the fact that you labeled it what you did, and you admitted it ask! this is fantastic! I would have done the same thing. ... my younger siblings and nieces and nephews have all always had to come kill the creepy crawlers for me. lol, or save them by putting them outside. I feel bad getting them killed just bc I'm scared of them. lol

The phrase "slapped it to death" is golden. Laughed my ass off.

I honestly don't know why this is an FML... That was so adorable!