Goodbye Rémy…

By Tough guy - 04/09/2021 23:00

Today, I was laying in bed when my sister came running in, scared. I took my bat and went into the kitchen where the suspicious noise was coming from. It was a rat, right in the middle of the floor. I jumped on the counter and shrieked, just as my girlfriend walked in, who then actually dealt with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 390
You deserved it 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better get an exterminator. 99% chance if you actually noticed a rat there are allready dozens in the walls, and these things are not easy to get rid off if you have no idea what you are doing. Beasts are freaking smart

Holy Sissy, Batman! I wonder how your girlfriend "dealt with" the rat. I'm imagining that she either killed it with her bare hands or engaged in extensive negotiations to get it to leave. Which one is right?


Better get an exterminator. 99% chance if you actually noticed a rat there are allready dozens in the walls, and these things are not easy to get rid off if you have no idea what you are doing. Beasts are freaking smart

Holy Sissy, Batman! I wonder how your girlfriend "dealt with" the rat. I'm imagining that she either killed it with her bare hands or engaged in extensive negotiations to get it to leave. Which one is right?

Hint: there was a bat involved. And not the flying kind.

Ah, yes! Now it's clear. The girlfriend handed the bat to the rat and they played pepper in the kitchen for a few hours until the rat got tired and left. So obvious!

I can't blame you. Rats scare the absolute shit outta me and my friends make fun of me for it too. Don't feel alone. Musaphobia is very common