By Whyis Dremora - 30/09/2018 15:00 - United States - San Marcos

Today, I was abruptly woken by a scratching at my butthole that felt like a spider with a million legs. I've never leapt out of bed so fast. When my partner shined a light on the bed, we discovered it was a cockroach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 827
You deserved it 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Finally and answer to “what crawled up your butt?!”

donthatemebut 14


Finally and answer to “what crawled up your butt?!”

donthatemebut 14

What kind of asshole can’t tell the difference between an arachnid and an insect?

ChromoTec 24

The ****-roach chose the wrong hole

To some, there are no wrong holes -- just ones that require more lube.

geniusness 6

Did you burn the house down? Because you should burn your house down. It's the only logical reaction.

The cockroach was a male and was just tryna get laid

PenguinPal3017 19

That is the type of roach you'd expect to try to enter you there.

ReallyChillDude 4

That cockroach has a real go getter attitude lol.

Get fat like me. Nothing gets near my butthole without spelunking gear