By Noname - 21/02/2009 07:34 - United States

Today, I was stuck in what I thought was traffic on my way home from work. I started weaving in and out of traffic because it seemed to only be a few cars holding up the line. I get to the front of the line and I'd realized I just weaved through a funeral procession. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 124
You deserved it 58 336

Same thing different taste

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I don't understand how driving absurdly slowly honors someone or their death. It's a practice I've always found to be completely strange.

Easy to do depending. Looking at some of the comments they're dealt with differently in different places. Around here - there's no stickers, no hazards.. just expected to guess I think.. or look for a hearse at the front of a line of cars ;)


tmcnatt2012 0

ok your in Texas and you didn't notice all of the other ppl on the side of the road stopped? ydi for not knowing southern traditions lol

zendaddy0 0

the zombies won't be happy about that

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Easy to do depending. Looking at some of the comments they're dealt with differently in different places. Around here - there's no stickers, no hazards.. just expected to guess I think.. or look for a hearse at the front of a line of cars ;)

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um sitting in traffic takes up gas and with the prices of it now, that's why I personally rush.

#13 have you ever had anyone who died? It's good to know there are still people out there willing to degrade themselves into douche-itude to get ahead of a few cars in traffic.

#14 have you ever tried using the reply button?

I don't understand how driving absurdly slowly honors someone or their death. It's a practice I've always found to be completely strange.

Agreed, if anything i would try to bury them faster instead of prolonging it

quiksta 0

#8 FTW :D i love driving slowly in front of wankers like you. and if you rip by, i love pulling up beside you at the next red light

most of the funeral processions i've seen have had police escorts, hazard lights, or flags in the windows.

dpressedninja 0

dont weave thats dangerous and rude.

There are lights, yeah, but every funeral procession I've ever seen had bright orange flags on top of all of the cars. It's all kind of hard to miss... And anyway, even if there aren't any of those things, you could just take a look and you would notice the long line of cars following each other... This was kinda crappy on your part, IMO. You really should pay attention. That was rather disrespectful. And to #13- People like you make me sick. Don't be such a prick.