By Red Face, too - 24/10/2018 13:30

Today, I saw Niagra Falls. Not the one in Canada, but the one that was released when I went to check on my period at work. I had no change of clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 750
You deserved it 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This website doesn't really cater to 10-year-olds. Come back in about 6-8 years.

1 not everyone is regular 2 sounds like she was on her period, and was going to see how full her pad/tampon/cup was when all hell broke loose 3 don't be so damn judgmental


Not hard to tell which side of the border you live on. Also, what did you do with the dude who went over in a barrel?

blondie45 21

That’s just too much information. Gross.

This website doesn't really cater to 10-year-olds. Come back in about 6-8 years.

To be fair, that visual is a tad cringeworthy (an empathetic cringe, in part, but still a cringe) to me as well, and I’m a 19-year-old female. We can all agree that this is some nasty stuff, man.

You'll understand differently in a few years. But for now, please don't have unprotected sex. If you think this is nasty, you are so not prepared for pregnancy.

blondie45 21

I’m 45. Some things just don’t need to be discussed on the World Wide Web. Perhaps some people need to be taught that some things are best kept to oneself.

I'd like to add: Don't have sex! Because you will get pregnant. And die.

That’s not the falls... idiot you’re a grown ass woman you should know when you’re shit is gonna start & come prepared .... completely your own fault

1 not everyone is regular 2 sounds like she was on her period, and was going to see how full her pad/tampon/cup was when all hell broke loose 3 don't be so damn judgmental