By Spa Catholic - 10/06/2015 12:00 - United States - Taunton

Today, I saw a woman being mugged. I ran up to help and pushed the guy off of her. She then punched me in the face and called the cops because she was, "just living out a fantasy" and I'm, "a lunatic for trying to help." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 774
You deserved it 2 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report her for assault and then she will really be mugged. By a mug shot.

Yeah OP. How dare you for trying to help


It's not easy trying to save the day sometimes. :-/

I get the whole fantasy thing, but to do it where other people can see you? Why!

And this is why people stop trying to step in and help in these situations, but then are also condemned for being bystanders and not helping. It seems that simply existing in the same space as other humans is bound to get you into trouble!

Hopefully next time the bitch gets mugged no one helps her.

PizzaElHutt 7

In this day and age you can't be too careful! You did the right thing. Forget her punk ass.

You have discovered . . . MODERN FEMINISM!!!

BloodyGlass 10

"Have fun sharing a jail cell with your mugger, psycho bitch." :D