By yuckspider - 20/04/2009 00:17 - United States

Today, I saw a spider crawling on the floor but had nothing to kill it with and it hid somewhere. So, I got dressed and went out and come home for a shower, and as I'm taking off my undies, something crushed and black fell out. It was the spider and he had been in my underwear the entire day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 316
You deserved it 7 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spider got some ACTION before it died.

FBIWarning 0


Great you've been ****** by a spider! Sorry but you have herpes

Yea, i think the shower should be coming up soon.....

Looks like you did have something to kill it with after all. Next time you see a bug, you know what to do champ.

applesaucers 0
missdarcy_fml 0

"then i realised this was the most action i'd had all year"? =

Darth_Taco 14

I don't know why #24 made me laugh just now. I think it's because I haven't slept :D. Wow, I'm sorry. I'm not afraid of spiders, so I don't get the full creepiness of it. I'm afraid of finding random things in my ****** though (don't ask), so I at least understand it at that level. Maybe you should see a gynecologist? I'm not sure what diseases spiders carry, but better safe than sorry. Hey, at least now you can say that your penis and/or ****** (not sure of your gender) kills small creatures. (Might not want to brag about this. Or maybe you do, I don't know you.)

bnomis 0

LOL #26. Can I ask though, how big was the spider? If it was a big-ass one which could kill a bird, then FYL to the highest extent. If it was small enough to balance on a needle, then FYL for being a whiner. FYL nonetheless :) .

piderman13 0

as a guy, your stank asshole killed it as a girl, your stank vag killed it O_o